As a trainer it is extremely important to know how to train your clients to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle. With Functional Training you will learn to teach individuals to perform the activities of daily life more easily and without injuries. It leads to better muscular balance and joint stability.

Functional Training is a system of athletic development that focuses on training the body the way it will be used in everyday life and in competition, making it the most efficient and effective form of training today.

The Functional Training Certification course is designed to educate you on the Functional Training protocols to improve total athleticism, enhances performance, and reduces injuries through exercise progressions that will spur development potential for specific movement patterns commonly use in everyday life and sport.

It is a valuable additional credential for all Certified Personal Trainers, Fitness Instructors and those that work with athletes and sports enthusiasts. Expand your services and programs to include functional exercises for beginner, intermediate and advanced clients, and increase your earning potential at the same time!